Terugblik 5 maart: De TransitieMotor – Onzekerheid over werk en wonen
In dit transitiegesprek, dat De TransitieMotor in samenwerking met ONE organiseert, gaan we in op de betaalbaarheid van de basisbehoeften in Nederland. Hoe goed is die en kunnen we het verbeteren?
What Participation Income is … and why you should care!
It appears to be difficult, if not impossible, to watch the national news on television without hearing about today’s outdated welfare systems, pension systems failing to support an ageing population, or heated debates on workfare.
Discussion basic income or participation income
An interview with Rebecca Belochi, a young French researcher from Paris, who works with us at Our New Economy for a couple month already on a very promising alternative to basic income: participation income. Can this new proposal gather the same unanimous support that currently benefits basic income?